OpenRTB Native Version 1.2 Finalized

By Jennifer Derke

OpenRTB Native version 1.2 has been finalized after the public comment period earlier this summer. Feedback was accepted from the industry and reviewed by the OpenRTB Native working group and the IAB Tech Lab Commit Group.

The major feature updates in OpenRTB Native version 1.2 include;

  • Dynamic content/ third party ad serving support, now referencing the IAB Tech Lab’s Dynamic Content Ad Specification
  • Support for privacy flags, indicating which party has included privacy notices in the ad placement
  • Event tracking support, including viewability events.

Additional minor fixes and enhancements are tracked in the change log within the specification document.

The OpenRTB Native working group is now on hiatus, and will reopen when the parent OpenRTB working group determines enough new proposals for the Native specification.


Jennifer Derke
Director of Product, Programmatic & Data, IAB Tech Lab