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Blog Posts

SafeFrame 2.0: Safer, Simpler and More Advanced

The number of browsers and the technology that runs them has been advancing rapidly over the last few years. Ad tech has also seen a lot of advancement in technology, creativity, and services. All of this growth comes with added risk. For years, SafeFrame has offered rich ad interactions in […]

ads.txt: Don’t Blame the Tools, Learn How to Use Them

An article about certain sites “potentially committing a form of ad-fraud” using ads.txt (Authorized Digital Sellers) files has been making the rounds and we decided to look into the details to see if we could learn from the post to improve our transparency / anti-fraud specifications. We have reached out […]

iOS 14 Privacy Features Impact: What Advertisers Need to Know

Open Standards and Predictable Privacy for Consumers are More Important than Ever There’s been no shortage of ad industry ink spilled in response to Apple’s WWDC privacy announcements for iOS 14. In particular, much of the focus is on Apple’s design for user transparency and control over the iOS identifier […]

State of Data: Three Data Trends Shaping 2020 & Beyond

Big data remains big business for advertising, despite the significant impact of COVID-19 and ongoing privacy-related changes. The advertising and media ecosystem spent $11B on data in 2019, according to the IAB Annual “State of Data” report, released today. However, data users, compilers, and other industry stakeholders suggested that in […]

Final Audience Taxonomy 1.1 and Content Taxonomy 2.1 Provide Additional Consumer Privacy Safeguards

IAB Tech Lab’s Taxonomy and Mapping Working Group has finalized two updates to its taxonomy portfolio: Content Taxonomy 2.1 and Audience Taxonomy 1.1.  The two updates – which went through 30 days of public comment through April 2020 – introduce additional consumer privacy safeguards that aim to minimize the risk […]

Tech Lab “2020.5” … and the Road to 2021

Welcome to the second half of 2020!(!) This year seems to be flying by and certainly hasn’t gone as any of us had planned. It’s been a real bright spot to see Tech Lab members and our team adapt and make progress together on meaningful work during such a challenging […]

Solving Tech Challenges in SSAI: Takeaways from a Recent Workshop at IAB Tech Lab

The use of server side ad insertion to deliver video ads has become ubiquitous across the industry as the need for providing a high quality and seamless ad experience has become paramount. As adoption of the technology continues to increase, the needs for additional functionality and support has expanded too. […]

With The End Of Browser Cookie Support, What Will Happen To Measurement And Attribution?

In less than two years, many publishers, advertisers, data vendors, and technology platforms will need to reevaluate and retool their approaches to data collection, audience targeting, measurement, and attribution analysis. All of those activities will change, and along with them the ways that we track and measure […]

With The End Of Browser Cookie Support, What Will Happen To Measurement And Attribution?

In less than two years, many publishers, advertisers, data vendors, and technology platforms will need to reevaluate and retool their approaches to data collection, audience targeting, measurement, and attribution analysis. All of those activities will change, and along with them the ways that we track and measure advertising and user […]

SafeFrame Update: Input Last Call

Ad technologists: Join the working group and influence the development of SafeFrame 2.0 SafeFrames have been quietly, or not so quietly, in use since their release in 2013. With a minor update in 2014, IAB Tech Lab’s SafeFrame has been left alone to function in a rapidly changing marketplace. Since […]