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IAB Tech Lab Standards and Software

IAB Tech Lab Standards and Software

IAB Tech Lab produces global technical standards and solutions to build and support a healthy and sustainable digital media and advertising industry. Our key areas of focus are:

  • Creating a portfolio of technical standards to balance consumer privacy and addressability through our work related to identity.
  • Developing technical standards that are needed to accelerate the ongoing growth of Advanced TV.
  • Advancing and producing technical standards to combat ad fraud, supply chain transparency, and enhanced security.

Below you can find a full list of digital advertising standards, initiatives and products mapped to their area of focus. To learn more about the companies who are adopting and adhering to these standards, view our Specification Adoption Program

IAB Tech Lab working groups produce both specifications, taxonomies, and software as outputs. The working groups also produce guidelines, guidance and primers on new technologies or changes that impact the industry. Tech Lab will also start initiatives when major industry changes occur that will likely result in sub working groups that will develop new standards and guidelines coming out of group discussions and learnings.

You can view all of the Specifications, Guidelines, Taxonomies, and Software currently supported by Tech Lab in the tables below.

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Technology standards play a crucial role in integrating stakeholders across the ad tech industry by establishing a unified framework for collaboration. These standards ensure that different systems, platforms, and tools can communicate seamlessly, reducing friction and improving efficiency. By fostering interoperability, they help advertisers, publishers, and tech providers align on processes like measurement, data sharing, and privacy compliance. Ultimately, technology standards enable a more cohesive and scalable ecosystem, driving innovation and value for all stakeholders.

The table below lists all the Standards and APIs managed by IAB Tech Lab that help the industry grow, comply with regulations, and efficiently collaborate.

Tech Lab SpecificationDescriptionTech Lab PillarMost Recent ReleaseRelease VersionWorking Group Responsible
VASTVAST is a Video Ad Serving Template for structuring ad tags that serve ads to video players.Advanced TVJuly 2024. Final.CTV addendumAdvanced TV Working Group
Accountability PlatformThe Accountability Platform is a specification for open, auditable data structures and standard practices to detect miscommunications and demonstrate, via standard data structures and reporting, accurate communications across the digital advertising supply chain of data use preference and restriction signals set by users and the digital properties they visit.PrivacyNov 2024. Final.v1.0Accountability Working Group
ACIF (Ad Creative ID Framework)The Ad Creative ID Framework (ACIF) defines a framework to enable a persistent identifier for ad creative at every phase in the video advertising supply chain.Advanced TVJune 2024. Public Comment closed.v1.0Advanced TV Commit Group
ads.cert "ads.cert” is the umbrella marketing term for an IAB Tech Lab protocol suite that provides an open standard cryptographic security foundation for the programmatic advertising ecosystem. Supply Chain & FoundationsJan 2022Authenticated Connections v1Programmatic Supply Chain Working Group
Ad Management API The Ad Management API specification support all major scenarios known at time of publication for creative approval for both bidding and markup delivery.
Supply Chain & FoundationsJan 2023v1.1Programmatic Supply Chain Working Group
ads.txt / apps-ads.txtsellers.json and SupplyChain objectSell side Transparency Specs making up the OpenRTB SupplyChain object. This enables buyers to see all parties who are selling or reselling a given bid request. Supply Chain & FoundationsAug 2022v1.1Programmatic Supply Chain Working Group
Buyers.json and DemandChain ObjectBuy Side Transparency Specs that help address the challenges around malvertising and nefarious ads, by providing transparency around the entities that are involved with publishing such ads.
Supply Chain & FoundationsJune 2021v1.0Programmatic Supply Chain Working Group
Common Ad Transport Standard (CATS)CATS aims to address gaps in OpenRTB and VAST by defining an ad request standard that can be used for both RTB and non-RTB use cases, while building on top of existing specifications like AdCOM.Supply Chain & FoundationsJune 2020v1.0Programmatic Supply Chain Working Group
CCPA & Other Privacy FrameworksEarlier form of the MSPA and US State signals focused on Californias CCPA.PrivacyJan 2024. Deprecated and replaced by GPPAll versionsGlobal Privacy Working Group
Data Deletion Request FrameworkThe Data Deletion Request Framework is a specification that facilitates the handling of data deletion requests in accordance with the changing landscape of consumer privacy rights as dictated by privacy laws.PrivacyJul 2024. Public Comment closedv1.0Global Privacy Working Group

Data Transparency Standard (Data Label)

The IAB Tech Lab Data Transparency standard establishes minimum disclosure requirements for audience data providers. PrivacyApril 2024v1.2Data Transparency Standards Working Group
Digital Services Act (DSA) TransparencyThe Digital Services Act (DSA) Transparency is an OpenRTB extension intended to provide the industry with standard data formats and transport relevant DSA transparency information so that Online Platforms can meet the obligations outlined in Article 26. This extension was designed to address a near-term regulatory requirement and is expected to evolve.  PrivacyFeb 2024extGlobal Privacy Working Group
IAB EU Transparency & Consent Framework (TCF)The IAB Tech Lab stewards technical specifications for the IAB Europe Transparency & Consent Framework.PrivacyFeb 2024v2.2Global Privacy Working Group
MRAIDMRAID, or “Mobile Rich Media Ad Interface Definitions” is the common API (Application Programming Interface) for mobile rich media ads that will run in mobile apps.Supply Chain & FoundationsJune 2018v3.0Programmatic Supply Chain Working Group
OpenDirectProgrammatic guaranteed API SpecificationSupply Chain & FoundationsSept 2024v2.1Programmatic Supply Chain Working Group
OpenRTB Programmatic real-time bidding protocolSupply Chain & FoundationsSept 2024v2.6.xProgrammatic Supply Chain Working Group
Open Private Join and Activation (OPJA)No longer actively developed. Replaced by PAIRAddressability and Privacy Enhancing TechnologiesDeprecatedv1.0Addressability and Privacy Enhancing Technologies (PETs) Working Group
PAIR (Publisher Advertiser Identity Reconciliation)This protocol will replace the Open Private Join and Activation (OPJA) specification, as both specifications solve the same problem. Going forward PAIR will be the designated standard for secure data matching of advertiser and publisher first party data within data clean rooms and programmatic activation. Addressability and Privacy Enhancing TechnologiesSept 2024. Public Commentv1.0Addressability and PETs Working Group
Safe Ad Container (SHARC) SHARC is a standardized ‘safe ad container’ API that enables interactive ads to be served across  mobile-app, web, and other HTML-enabled environments, in a secure iframe which prevents the ad from being able to access sensitive page and user data.  SHARC replaced the SafeFrames and MRAID standardsSupply Chain & FoundationsDec 2022v1.0Safe Ad Container Working Group
Curated Audiences (former Seller Defined Audiences/SDA)Curated Audiences (formerly Seller Defined Audiences) is an addressability specification incubated within Project Rearc.  It allows publishers, DMPs and data providers to scale first-party data responsibly and reliably without data leakage or reliance on deprecated IDs and/or new, untested technologies.Addressability and Privacy Enhancing TechnologiesFeb 2022v1.0Addressability and Privacy Enhancing Technologies (PETs) Working Group
SIMID (VPAID vNext) SIMID is a secure container that enables communication between the player and any ad creative.Advanced TVOct 2022v1.2Advanced TV Working Group
US State SignalsUS States Strings which can be used in conjunction with the GPP or separately enable the signaling of compliance with different US State regulations. See also the MSPA.PrivacyAug 2024. Final.See each state string for version infoGlobal Privacy Working Group
Global Privacy Protocol (GPP)The GPP is a protocol designed to streamline the transmission of privacy, consent, and consumer choice signals from sites and apps to ad tech providers; it enables advertisers, publishers and technology vendors in the digital advertising industry to adapt to regulatory demands across markets. PrivacyAug 2024. FinalMSPA StringGlobal Privacy Working Group
OpenRTB Dynamic Native Ads APIThe mission of the OpenRTB Native project is to spur standardization and greater growth in the Real-Time Bidding (RTB) marketplace for Native Ads by providing open industry standards for communication between buyers of advertising and sellers of publisher inventorySupply Chain & FoundationsJuly 20171.2Programmatic Supply Chain Working Group
ADMaP (Attribution Data Matching Protocol)Built by privacy, measurement, and data clean room experts, ADMaP enables advertisers and publishers to securely share and measure conversion data without revealing user-specific details. The protocol leverages Privacy Enhancing Technologies (PETs) like Private Set Intersection (PSI) and Trusted Execution Environments (TEEs) to ensure privacy and data security.Addressability and Privacy Enhancing TechnologiesFeb 2025 Finalv1.0Rearc Addressability and Privacy Enhancing Technologies Working Group
Tech Lab Trusted ServerTrusted Server shifts critical ad functions typically performed on the client side (e.g. browser) using 3rd party code to a publisher controlled edge infrastructure. The goal of this initiative is to preserve first party signals, enhance with edge cloud signals and put publishers in control of advertising on their websites to prevent data leakage. Supply Chain & FoundationsProof of Concept, March 2025v0.0.2Trusted Server Task Force


Standard taxonomies are essential for creating interoperable technology standards because they provide a common language and framework for organizing and classifying data. This consistency allows different systems to communicate effectively, reduces complexity, and ensures compatibility across platforms. By aligning on shared definitions and structures, organizations can streamline development, enhance data accuracy, and improve collaboration, ultimately driving innovation and efficiency across the ecosystem.

Tech  Lab shepherds a number of Taxonomies that help stakeholders communicate more efficiently across the supply chain that can be accessed below.

Tech Lab TaxonomyDescriptionTech Lab PillarMost Recent ReleaseRelease VersionWorking Group Responsible
Ad Product Taxonomy The Ad Product Taxonomy establishes a standardized nomenclature for describing the product or service being advertised.Supply Chain & FoundationsOct 2022v2.0Taxonomy & Mapping Working Group
Audience Taxonomy Standardized naming convention for audience attributesSupply Chain & FoundationsApr 2020v1.1Taxonomy & Mapping Working Group
Content TaxonomyThe Content Taxonomy provides a “common language” that can be used when describing content. Typical uses of the content taxonomy are contextual targeting and brand safety.Supply Chain & FoundationsJune 2022v3.0Taxonomy & Mapping Working Group
Privacy TaxonomyThe Privacy Taxonomy provides a standardized language for defining, classifying, and communicating personal data.PrivacySept 2024. Public Commentv1.0Privacy Implementation & Accountability Task Force (PIAT)


In addition to technical specifications, a large part of IAB Tech Lab’s works involves providing guidance on how to use the specifications defined by the industry so that all stakeholders can gain the maximum business value by implementating, or adopting new technologies. 

The table below lists the various Guidance documents, Implementation Guides, and Primers issued by IAB Tech Lab to help the industry understand new technologies and implement Standards effectively.

Tech Lab GuidanceDescriptionTech Lab PillarMost Recent ReleaseRelease VersionWorking Group Responsible
Ad Fraud DisclosuresThe Best Practices for the Disclosure of Ad Fraud Attacks develops and consolidates best practices to drive alignment and consistency across the industry when it comes to ad fraud disclosure.Supply Chain & FoundationsMay 2022v1.0Programmatic Supply Chain Working Group
CTV Programmatic GuideGuide focused on the use cases involved in a programmatic campaign for connected TV (CTV), with special callouts highlight additional information for working with Server Side Ad Insertion (SSAI).Advanced TVFeb 2024N/AAdvanced TV Working Group
Data Clean Rooms GuidanceProviding guidance for Data Clean Room usage. Formerly encompassed OPJA which will be replaced by the PAIR standard in Q4 2024.Addressability and Privacy Enhancing TechnologiesJuly 2024v1.0Addressability and Privacy Enhancing Technologies (PETs) Working Group
Differential Privacy GuideIAB Tech Lab developed an informational guide on Differential Privacy for decision makers, analysts and product developers working with advertisers, publishers and ad tech providers to demystify the technology, scope and application of Differential Privacy.Addressability and Privacy Enhancing TechnologiesJuly 2023v1.0Addressability and Privacy Enhancing Technologies (PETs) Working Group
ID Solutions GuidanceAs the use of ID solutions grows, the industry must understand what they are, how they are integrated into the workflows and what is their utility, so this guidance aims to provide that.Addressability & Privacy Enhancing TechnologiesMay 2024v1.0Addressability and Privacy Enhancing Technologies (PETs) Working Group
Podcast Measurement Technical GuidelinesSets a consistent set of podcast advertising metrics so that buyers and sellers can engage in a conversation about campaign strategy with confidence.MeasurementMay 2024v2.2Podcast Technical Working Group
Privacy Sandbox Fit AnalysisTask for dedicated to outlining the Advertising requirements for Privacy Sandbox and other Proprietary Ad Systems built by Platforms and OS Providers. Most recent output is the Privacy Sandbox Fit Analysis.Addressability and Privacy Enhancing TechnologiesJune 2024v1.0Privacy Sandbox Task Force
AI in Advertising PrimerThis AI Primer aims to set out a baseline understanding about artificial intelligence to support discussions and documentation about how this technology will affect advertising in the future. Supply Chain & FoundationsOct 2024v1.0Tech Lab Board subcomittee
Sustainability Playbook Created the Sustainability Playbook and plans to incorporate industry requirements around sustainability into OpenRTB as they develop.Supply Chain & FoundationsJune 2023v1.0Programmatic Supply Chain Working Group
Digital Video and CTV Ad Format GuidelinesVideo file format details and submission guidelinesAdvanced TVSept 2022N/AAdvanced TV Working Group
New Ad Portfolio: Advertising Creative GuidelinesThe IAB New Ad Portfolio replaces all the previous creative display guidelines for mobile and desktop – including the Universal Ad Package (UAP), rich media units, and other ad units’ related guidance. Supply Chain & FoundationsJuly 2017N/AAd Product Portfolio Working Group
GPP Implementation GuidelinesThe Global Privacy Platform Implementation Guidelines provide essential resources for product and engineering teams to adopt the GPP and comply with evolving regulations like GDPR and U.S. state laws. PrivacyOct 2024. Public Commentv1.0Global Privacy Working Group
ID-Less SolutionsID-Less Solutions Guidance provides a comprehensive review on how ID Solutions and ID-Less Solutions compare, and advises on what and and is not ID-LessAddressability and Privacy Enhancing TechnologiesNov 2024v1.0Addressability and Privacy Enhancing Technologies (PETs) Working Group
System Requirements for Proprietary Ad SystemsThe Digital Advertising Industry Requirements for Proprietary Ad Systems built by Platforms and OS Providers grew out of the next stage of the Privacy Sandbox Requirements that were on the roadmap of the Privacy Sandbox Task Force.Addressability and Privacy Enhancing TechnologiesOct 2024v1.0Private Ad Systems Task Force


As a Laboratory for the industry, IAB Tech Lab also creates and maintains software that can be used by the industry. This is usually open source, but it can also be tools and API that are used to validate Standards compliance.

This list is constantly evolving and being added to.

Software NameDescriptionTech Lab PillarWorking Group responsible
Open Source InitiativeInitiative facilitating the governance and management of relevant open source projects that will support evolution, deployment and adoption of standards via code development,Supply Chain & FoundationsN/AProgrammatic Supply Chain Commit Group
Spiders and Bots The IAB Spiders and Robots list helps companies identify automated traffic such as search engine crawlers, monitoring tools, and other nonhuman traffic that they don’t want showing up in their analytics and billable counts.MeasurementApril 2024Spiders and Bots Advisory Board
Tools PortalIn the Tools Portal, you'll find resources to support IAB Tech Lab's mission including the Transparency Center, Open Measurement software and more.All pillars are representedTransparency Center APINone
VAST Tag ValidatorThis tool is intended to help developers and ad operations efficiency and accurate implement VAST.Advanced TVSupport for 4.2None

Ad Block Detection Script

This code helps you have better communication with your site visitors about ad blocking and to get a more consistent understanding of the scope of ad blocker usage.Supply Chain & FoundationsNoneNone
Open Measurement (OM) SDKThe Open Measurement Software Development Kit (OM SDK) is designed to facilitate third party viewability and verification measurement for ads served to web video, mobile app, and CTV environments. Now on v1.5MeasurementJune 2024v1.5Open Measurement Commit Group

SKAdNetwork ID List

A tool for managing and maintaining SKAdNetwork ID list. Advertisers, DSPs, and networks can register their SKAdNetwork IDs Supply Chain & FoundationsN/ANone

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