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IAB Tech Lab Advanced TV Pillar

IAB Tech Lab has created technology, standards and initiatives that have helped scale video environments to become the fastest growing sector of digital ad spend in 2021. However, the ways in which consumers are viewing video content is fast changing, the lines between digital video and TV are becoming increasingly blurred, and with this, our advertising systems need to advance at the same pace as consumers, ensuring that ad experiences across all video and TV environments are as consistent, and as seamless as possible. To help the industry navigate these challenges, IAB Tech Lab has launched the Advanced TV initiative to develop comprehensive foundations for TV advertising technology and standards.

Advanced TV Standards and Guidance

Tech Lab SpecificationDescriptionMost Recent ReleaseRelease VersionWorking Group Responsible
VASTVAST is a Video Ad Serving Template for structuring ad tags that serve ads to video players.July 2024. Final.CTV addendumAdvanced TV Working Group
ACIF (Ad Creative ID Framework)The Ad Creative ID Framework (ACIF) defines a framework to enable a persistent identifier for ad creative at every phase in the video advertising supply chain.June 2024. Public Comment closed.v1.0Advanced TV Commit Group
SIMID (VPAID vNext) SIMID is a secure container that enables communication between the player and any ad creative.Oct 2022v1.2Advanced TV Working Group
Digital Video and CTV Ad Format GuidelinesVideo file format details and submission guidelinesSept 2022N/AAdvanced TV Working Group
CTV Programmatic GuideGuide focused on the use cases involved in a programmatic campaign for connected TV (CTV), with special callouts highlight additional information for working with Server Side Ad Insertion (SSAI).Feb 2024N/AAdvanced TV Working Group

Advanced TV Working Groups

Advanced TV Software