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Blog Posts

IAB Tech Lab Comes to APAC

Operations for IAB Tech Lab (Tech Lab) in the Asia-Pacific (APAC) region are up and running. I have had the privilege of connecting with a small group of “Friends of Tech Lab” and have had informal conversations to understand and plan our approach to ensure success in the region. A […]

IAB Tech Lab Releases Podcast Measurement Technical Guidelines 2.1 for Public Comment

IAB Tech Lab has released the Podcast Measurement Technical Guidelines 2.1 for public comment for a 30-day period which begins today and lasts until December 31, 2020. Podcast Measurement Technical Guidelines are standard metrics for both podcast content and podcast ads to provide marketplace clarity through a common language for […]

More Efficiency and Transparency for Your Video Ads with the SSAI VAST Macro Guidance

The Digital Video Ad Serving Template (VAST) macros are a powerful tool used for communicating a broad array of data points when delivering VAST ads.  When using Server Side Ad Insertion (SSAI) technology for ad delivery, there may be a lack of reliable client-side data, which ultimately makes the data […]

IAB & IAB Tech Lab Respond with Support for OpenRTB and IAB Europe’s Transparency & Consent Framework

In a report issued last week, the Inspection Service of the Belgian data protection authority (DPA) summarized concerns it has with the IAB Europe Transparency & Consent Framework (TCF). The Inspection Service has transferred the report to an internal adjudication unit that will deliberate over the coming months. The report […]

Interactivity in CTV Advertising

Part of the blog post series: CTV Advertising Standards: IAB Tech Lab Standards & Guidance Executive Summary: While interactive advertising can enable greater monetization opportunities, it is still a nascent area in Connected TV (CTV) as interactive ads are difficult to implement across the plethora of device platforms. Tech Lab […]

Measurement & Verification in CTV Advertising

Part of the blog post series: CTV Advertising Standards: IAB Tech Lab Standards & Guidance Executive Summary: Measurement and verification are key components of digital advertising, and can be a key differentiator between Connected TV (CTV) advertising and traditional broadcast TV. Challenges to measurement on CTV include device operating system […]

Sales & Delivery in CTV Advertising

Part of the blog post series: CTV Advertising Standards: IAB Tech Lab Standards & Guidance Executive Summary: Connected TV (CTV) devices bring new challenges to the process of ad delivery – especially around maintaining the quality of creatives on large screens. Tech Lab’s video and programmatic specifications (especially VAST and […]

SIMID 1.1 Updates Add Support For Nonlinear Ads

As described in our Simplifying Video Ad Delivery blog post, IAB Tech Lab’s video working groups are modernizing the video stack to better support CTV and mobile platforms, and factoring in safety and usability in video ad delivery. A big part of that update is replacing VPAID with specs that […]

IAB Tech Lab Adds a New Taxonomy to its Portfolio – Ad Product Taxonomy 1.0 – Enabling Stronger Publisher Controls Over Programmatic Ad Delivery

IAB Tech Lab released a new taxonomy – Ad Product Taxonomy 1.0 – for 30-day public comment through November 6, 2020. The Ad Product Taxonomy establishes for the first time a standardized nomenclature for describing the product or service being advertised within a creative unit. It aims to provide publishers […]

News Saves Lives

Introducing The News Media Inclusion List for Buyers The News Media List is a global list of news publishers to enable advertisers, media buyers, and DSPs to create inclusion lists of news websites. News media is an important source of life-saving information in times of crisis. It is critical that […]