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Open Video Viewability Code


The Open Video Viewability code is maintained by the IAB Tech Lab. This open-source solution is released with the most relaxed license available allowing anyone to edit, copy or use the code.

Flash and JavaScript is available on GitHub for industry review.

Get the Code


  • Requires no changes to the publisher’s website
  • Works on any VPAID unit
  • Not specific to any one exchange, network or marketplace
  • Tested across all major browsers and tens of thousands of sites
  • Detects whether the browser containing the video ad is the active window on the user’s screen
  • Detects and accounts for the browser’s scroll bars
  • Can be used in the publisher’s ad server Flash code to provide viewability from non-VPAID units
  • Can fire other 3rd party measurement services that measure viewability at the same time
  • Detects pre-roll running as in-banner 300×250 video

See the technology in action by visiting the demo page.