IAB Tech Lab recently released Programmatic CTV Genre Guidance leveraging the Content Taxonomy, for public comment to make it easier for companies to upgrade their Taxonomies for Programmatic CTV Ads. In this webinar, Hillary Slattery and Katie Shell will lay out for you how the mappings work, the path to upgrading and why this should be on your 2025 roadmap.
Hill is a dad joke aficionado, avid reader, podcast junky, and boasts a 995-day streak on Duolingo. She comes to Tech Lab from Epsilon where she was the product lead for their partnership with The Trade Desk and the Disclosed offering. She got her start with the IAB TechLab in the Distributed Ledger working group via her role at GroupM as the Assoc. Director of Product Management on the Global Investment Systems team. She has varied experience on both the buy and sell side of the industry and enjoys nerding out about all things ad tech.
Katie Shell is an Associate Product Manager at the IAB Tech Lab. She supports industry software development and contributes to a range of digital advertising standards across the IAB Tech Lab specification portfolio, focusing on taxonomies and programmatic practices.