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Ad Format Hero Industry Survey now running

The growth of CTV and Streaming TV has resulted in many ad formats being introduced in CTV advertising; some of which are linear/ broadcast tv formats being ported over such as picture-in-picture or rollback ads and some are net new, like pause screen ads and shoppable video, which can only be delivered in CTV environments. Without standardization it is very difficult to scale adoption and delivery of these ad formats. Creating standard ways to describe the environment around the ad and how to deliver them benefits advertisers and publishers that would like to implement the ad format using programmatic pipes to serve the ads. This standardization is the goal of IAB Tech Lab’s Ad Format Hero initiative.

Submissions for Ad Format Hero are now closed. We received over 100 real-world CTV-focused Ad Format submissions during the open window of October 22, 2024 to January 31, 2025. A huge thank you to everyone who submitted.

Ad Format Hero Industry Survey Now Open

Ad Format Hero Finalists

The Ad Format Hero Task Force selected 8 formats from the over 100 that were submitted and is now seeking industry feedback on usage to aid in the Standardization process. You can view example of these formats below, and also in the survey, running until April 20, 2025:

Ad Format Hero Example Pause Ad

Pause Ads

Pause Ads are viewer-initiated ad experiences that appear after viewers pause their streaming content. This ad format supports ad creatives that are either a full screen takeover or partial screen overlay. Viewers may interact with the ad by dismissing the ad, resuming playback, or interacting with some element of the ad creative, such as a QR code.

Ad Format Hero Overlay Ads over Content example

Overlay Ads Over Content 

Overlay Ads over content are non-linear ads occurring during program content and outside of the traditional ad break. The ad format places dynamic native display or video ad creatives over top of the program content. Overlay Ads may have user interaction with the remote control or scanning a QR code that is part of the ad creative.

Menu & Home Screen Ads

Menu Ads, also known as Home Screen Ads and Tile Ads, are ads initiated by the OS or Streaming App. This new ad format supports static display and video ad creatives. The size and placement of these ads can vary from system to system and may be part of a menu carousel. Menu ads may have user interaction with the remote control or scanning a QR code that is part of the creative.

Screen Saver

Screen Saver Ads are similar to Pause Ads but where Pause Ads are viewer-initiated ad experiences, Screen Saver Ads are OS/App initiated ad experiences. This new ad format supports static display ad creative that is either a full screen takeover or partial screen overlay. Viewers may interact with the ad by dismissing the ad or resuming playback with the remote control, or scanning a QR code that is part of the creative. Screen Saver Ads may or may not refresh depending on the implementation.

In Scene Ads Example

In-Scene Insertion Ads 

In-Scene Insertion Ads, also known as Brand or Product Insertion Ads, are similar to Overlay Ads in that the native display or video ad is inserted on top of the original program content. The difference between the two is that the In-Scene Insertion Ad is made to look as part of the program content using spatial analysis. Current implementations require additional planning and preparation for the ad creative but this could eventually be done more programmatically in the future.

Ads Alongside or Adjacent to Content

Ads Alongside or Adjacent to Content, also known as Frame Ads, L-Shape Ads & Double Box, are non-linear ads that occur during program content and outside of the traditional ad break. The program content is resized to allow for placement of an ad on the screen. Squeeze Back Ads During Content may have user interaction with the remote control or scanning a QR code that is part of the ad creative.

Squeeze Back Ad within Ad Break

Squeeze Back Ads within Ad Breaks, also known as Product Match Ads or Product Correlation Ads, are dynamically assembled companion ads that occur during ad breaks. The original ad is resized to allow for placement of the companion ad on the screen. Squeeze Back Ads During an Ad may have user interaction with the remote control or scanning a QR code that is part of the ad creative. Note: A regular video asset could like a squeeze back ad if it is preassembled. Those preassembled ads are treated no differently than a standard video ad placement.

Immersive Ads Example

Ad Creative Feature: Immersive/Extendable Ads

Immersive/Extendable Ads represent a variety of interactive ad features. The main qualification setting this ad format apart from the others is that it has user interaction that offers a prompt or button and the interaction can take the user away from the program content or app they are currently viewing. Examples of this are “Ad Choice” selections, Shoppable Ads or ads that link with second screen devices.

Did I have to be a Tech Lab member to submit my ad format?
NOPE! All were welcome and encouraged to submit their ad formats

I think other companies may have submitted this format?
We still encouraged submissions since there may be slight differences and the more examples we get the more comprehensive our work will be.

My format isn’t only for CTV experiences, should I still submit it?
Yes please! While this initiative is focused on CTV environments, being able to run them elsewhere does not preclude them from consideration.

What if someone from my organization may already have submitted?
That’s ok. We will dedupe them.

What shouldn’t I submit?
We encourage you to NOT to submit Ad units that:

  • Are bespoke to your company or fully native to your environment
  • Are not actively bringing in revenue
  • Are not CTV focused
  • Already standardized