We’re pleased to announce additional CTV coverage within OM SDK as we launch OM SDK 1.5 with support for Samsung and LG TVs! Read the press release here to learn more about why this is an important step forward for measurement standards in the CTV ecosystem.
To learn more about the CTV capabilities in OM SDK that were introduced with SDK 1.4, and are expanded on in 1.5, you can visit the Open Measurement SDK Standards page. You can review details about OM SDK CTV specific features and learn about the capabilities and limitations. Both AndroidTV and tvOS SDKs are included in the native app builds, and the support for Samsung & LG devices is included in HTML5/Web Video SDK that can also be found in the Tech Lab Tools Portal. Additionally, you can sign up in the portal to let us know when you plan to implement OM SDK 1.5.

Vice President, Product
IAB Tech Lab