Welcome back everyone! Things here at Tech Lab are back in full swing for 2023; and looking at the year just gone, there’s no doubt that 2022 was a brilliant year for the Open Measurement Software Development Kit (OM SDK) initiative.
In 2022 we celebrated an additional 20 new certified integration partners for Mobile App and 10 for Web Video bringing our total to now over 120 certified integrations! Certification highlights include:
- The expansion of Smart Adserver’s OM enabled SDKs to web video
- Smartclip’s OM enabled mobile SDK
- Amazon Publisher Services for both Mobile App & web video
- FreeWheel’s SSP SDK for web video
- Google’s IMA SDK for web video
Our other major accomplishment last year that we were proud to announce was the launch of OM SDK for Connected Television (CTV), for tvOS from Apple and AndroidTV from Google.
This was a highlight for us coming into 2023, as Advanced TV is a key focus for us this year. Our goal is to help make the transition of spend from linear TV to digital as seamless as possible; and the OM SDK for CTV plays a crucial role in this as it brings consistency in viewability measurement, that advertisers have come to expect, to CTV environments.
For this reason, we have expanded our OM SDK compliance program to include CTV certification. We already have two companies lined up to become the first partners certified for the OM SDK for CTV, and we are encouraging all companies in the CTV space to do the same.
With this, we are offering companies a 15% discount for the OM SDK for CTV compliance program if you sign up before Mar 1, 2023!
For further information and to take advantage of this offer, please email us at compliance@iabtechlab.com. Also, be sure to check out our regularly updated list of certified companies as we begin to certify our first CTV integrations!

Jarrett Wold
Senior Director, Compliance Programs
IAB Tech Lab