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IAB Tech Lab Comes to APAC

Operations for IAB Tech Lab (Tech Lab) in the Asia-Pacific (APAC) region are up and running. I have had the privilege of connecting with a small group of “Friends of Tech Lab” and have had informal conversations to understand and plan our approach to ensure success in the region. A few key points have emerged:

IAB and IAB Tech Lab:

IAB organizations are well known to the digital ad-world in APAC, although it is important to highlight the distinct yet complementary focus areas between IAB and IAB Tech Lab (Tech Lab).

IAB national and regional organizations typically focus on overall market development, supporting sales, marketing, and business functions by providing:

  • Research and thought leadership
  • Public policy and legal guidance
  • Guidelines, best practices, & business standards
  • Events & networking
  • Education & certification

IAB Tech Lab engages with a global member community to develop foundational technology and standards that enable growth and trust in the digital media ecosystem. This is facilitated by developing and operating:

  • Standardized protocols and specifications
  • Software and tools
  • Compliance programs
  • Supporting education and events

    More than two dozen companies in the APAC region have already engaged with Tech Lab assets and services (adoption of Open Measurement SDK by publishers is becoming the industry best practice, for example).

IAB organizations and Tech Lab collaborate on many initiatives but have a different global/local engagement-model. IAB follows a decentralized approach and operates independent, regional and national associations.  Prominent IAB organizations in the APAC region include: IAB Australia, CAA (IAB China), IAB Hong Kong, JIAA (IAB Japan), IAB New Zealand and IAB South East Asia + India.

Tech Lab is a global, membership-based institution with working groups that can address specific regional standards or build extensions and customizations to global frameworks. Tech Lab member benefits include:

  • BUILD TRUST: Adopt standards that help increase your business’ trust & transparency
  • DRIVE ROI: Gain early access to standards & code that will drive your business 
  • INFLUENCE THE INDUSTRY: Participate in our groups & be recognized for contributions
  • CONNECT WITH PEERS: Network with 750+ member companies
  • LEARN & BE INSPIRED: Gain special access to industry events, webinars, trainings
  • ACTIVATE WISELY: Sponsor highly-targeted industry events
  • ENJOY DISCOUNTS: Save, with preferred pricing on Tech Lab software & services

Tech Lab now has presence in Australia and India with representatives supporting the APAC region.

Imperatives for Tech Lab

Our presence in the APAC region is being received with enthusiasm. The imperatives behind our activities are based on:

  • Growth of internet – With the highest number of internet users in the world, APAC companies are managing increased business value as well as awareness of their consumer rights.  
  • Need to influence – Companies in the APAC region increasingly need to influence and collaborate with the larger ecosystem rather than operate in isolation.
  • Emerging global businesses – APAC businesses are also keen to evolve and adopt international standards and conventions, as their customers are diverse and international.
  • Impending changes in environment – The APAC region must prepare for upcoming changes around consumer privacy and data regulations, as well upcoming changes from large global technology platforms pertaining to identity and user privacy.

IAB Tech Lab is actively involved in developing the global standards required to support key challenges of digital advertising and operational processes for scalable and consistent growth.

APAC industry participants see the value of Tech Lab and its important role in the region, alongside the activities of other industry trade bodies that support digital advertising technology.  Our record and focus on building specific standards and foundational technology assets fill a sweet spot that is recognized and appreciated.

Immediate Action Plan: (Q4 2020)

In times of COVID, we propose a series of three webinars that showcase current Tech Lab initiatives and assets and create an engagement path for the industry. Ultimately, we look forward to regional in-person interactions as soon as possible.

Proposed design of these webinars:

Session – 1
03 Dec 2020 | Time: 23:30 ET, 20:30 PT  

04 Dec 2020 | Time: 10:00 India, 11:30 Jakarta, 12:30 Singapore, 15:30 Canberra
Identity, Privacy and Data Quality

Please register here:

  • Project Rearc (Rearchitecting digital marketing addressability for a world with limited cookies and identifiers)
  • Privacy and accountability
  • Data Label (Data Transparency for buyers) and taxonomies for content, audiences, products
Session – 2
16 Dec 2020 | Time 23:30 ET, 20:30 PT  

17 Dec 2020 | Time: 10:00 India, 11:30 Jakarta, 12:30 Singapore, 15:30 Canberra
Cross-Screen Ad delivery, Measurement and Brand Safety

Please register here:

  • Mobile Video Delivery Standards: VAST/SIMID
  • Open Measurement (OM SDK)
  • Podcast Measurement
  • Brand Safety
Session – 3
20 Jan 2021 | Time 23:30 ET, 20:30 PT

21 Jan 2021| Time: 10:00 India, 11:30 Jakarta, 12:30 Singapore,  15:30 Canberra
Mitigating Ad Fraud with IAB Tech Lab Programmatic Transparency Standards

Please register here:

  • Ads.txt / App-ads.txt / Sellers.json
  • Open Direct/OpenRTB extensions and Supply Chain Object
  • IAB Tech Lab Transparency Center preview

After each webinar there will be a Q&A session.

During the first quarter of 2021 we will announce more events and introduce the working groups in which members can participate.

I am looking forward to engaging with everyone on these initiatives and fostering a culture of collaboration in the digital ad industry!

Shivendra Misra
Director, APAC, IAB Tech Lab