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IAB Tech Lab Privacy Pillar

The future of advertising starts with privacy. Tech Lab’s goal through our privacy standards, working groups, tools, and thought leadership is to facilitate uniform communication of consumer privacy preference signals throughout the digital advertising ecosystem.

The core of this initiative is a global call-to-action for stakeholders across the digital supply chain to re-think and re-architect digital advertising. Our work supports critical industry use cases, while balancing consumer privacy and personalization.

Privacy Standards and Guidance

Tech Lab SpecificationDescriptionMost Recent ReleaseRelease VersionWorking Group Responsible
Accountability PlatformThe Accountability Platform is a specification for open, auditable data structures and standard practices to detect miscommunications and demonstrate, via standard data structures and reporting, accurate communications across the digital advertising supply chain of data use preference and restriction signals set by users and the digital properties they visit.Nov 2024. Final.v1.0Accountability Working Group
CCPA & Other Privacy FrameworksEarlier form of the MSPA and US State signals focused on Californias CCPA.Jan 2024. Deprecated and replaced by GPPAll versionsGlobal Privacy Working Group
Data Deletion Request FrameworkThe Data Deletion Request Framework is a specification that facilitates the handling of data deletion requests in accordance with the changing landscape of consumer privacy rights as dictated by privacy laws.Jul 2024. Public Comment closedv1.0Global Privacy Working Group
Digital Services Act (DSA) TransparencyThe Digital Services Act (DSA) Transparency is an OpenRTB extension intended to provide the industry with standard data formats and transport relevant DSA transparency information so that Online Platforms can meet the obligations outlined in Article 26. This extension was designed to address a near-term regulatory requirement and is expected to evolve.  Feb 2024extGlobal Privacy Working Group
IAB EU Transparency & Consent Framework (TCF)The IAB Tech Lab stewards technical specifications for the IAB Europe Transparency & Consent Framework.Feb 2024v2.2Global Privacy Working Group
US State SignalsUS States Strings which can be used in conjunction with the GPP or separately enable the signaling of compliance with different US State regulations. See also the MSPA.Aug 2024. Final.See each state string for version infoGlobal Privacy Working Group
Global Privacy Protocol (GPP)The GPP is a protocol designed to streamline the transmission of privacy, consent, and consumer choice signals from sites and apps to ad tech providers; it enables advertisers, publishers and technology vendors in the digital advertising industry to adapt to regulatory demands across markets. Aug 2024. FinalMSPA StringGlobal Privacy Working Group
Privacy TaxonomyThe Privacy Taxonomy provides a standardized language for defining, classifying, and communicating personal data.Sept 2024. Public Commentv1.0Privacy Implementation & Accountability Task Force (PIAT)
GPP Implementation GuidelinesThe Global Privacy Platform Implementation Guidelines provide essential resources for product and engineering teams to adopt the GPP and comply with evolving regulations like GDPR and U.S. state laws. Oct 2024. Public Commentv1.0Global Privacy Working Group

Privacy Working Groups

Privacy Software