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Supply Chain and Foundations

The Supply Chain & Foundations initiative is focused on enabling programmatic buying and selling of ad inventory at scale. And while most people think of this pillar as OpenRTB, it encompasses much more, including but not limited to ads.txt/app-ads.txt, sellers.json, and IAB Tech Lab Taxonomies.

The objective of the working groups, specifications and thought leadership in this area serves to point the industry in a direction that will facilitate transactions with consistency, efficiency, and transparency.

Supply Chain & Foundations Standards

Tech Lab SpecificationDescriptionMost Recent ReleaseRelease VersionWorking Group Responsible
ads.cert "ads.cert” is the umbrella marketing term for an IAB Tech Lab protocol suite that provides an open standard cryptographic security foundation for the programmatic advertising ecosystem. Jan 2022Authenticated Connections v1Programmatic Supply Chain Working Group
Ad Management API The Ad Management API specification support all major scenarios known at time of publication for creative approval for both bidding and markup delivery.
Jan 2023v1.1Programmatic Supply Chain Working Group
ads.txt / apps-ads.txtsellers.json and SupplyChain objectSell side Transparency Specs making up the OpenRTB SupplyChain object. This enables buyers to see all parties who are selling or reselling a given bid request. Aug 2022v1.1Programmatic Supply Chain Working Group
Buyers.json and DemandChain ObjectBuy Side Transparency Specs that help address the challenges around malvertising and nefarious ads, by providing transparency around the entities that are involved with publishing such ads.
June 2021v1.0Programmatic Supply Chain Working Group
Common Ad Transport Standard (CATS)CATS aims to address gaps in OpenRTB and VAST by defining an ad request standard that can be used for both RTB and non-RTB use cases, while building on top of existing specifications like AdCOM.June 2020v1.0Programmatic Supply Chain Working Group
MRAIDMRAID, or “Mobile Rich Media Ad Interface Definitions” is the common API (Application Programming Interface) for mobile rich media ads that will run in mobile apps.June 2018v3.0Programmatic Supply Chain Working Group
OpenDirectProgrammatic guaranteed API SpecificationSept 2024v2.1Programmatic Supply Chain Working Group
OpenRTB Programmatic real-time bidding protocolSept 2024v2.6.xProgrammatic Supply Chain Working Group
Safe Ad Container (SHARC) SHARC is a standardized ‘safe ad container’ API that enables interactive ads to be served across  mobile-app, web, and other HTML-enabled environments, in a secure iframe which prevents the ad from being able to access sensitive page and user data.  SHARC replaced the SafeFrames and MRAID standardsDec 2022v1.0Safe Ad Container Working Group
OpenRTB Dynamic Native Ads APIThe mission of the OpenRTB Native project is to spur standardization and greater growth in the Real-Time Bidding (RTB) marketplace for Native Ads by providing open industry standards for communication between buyers of advertising and sellers of publisher inventoryJuly 20171.2Programmatic Supply Chain Working Group
Content TaxonomyThe Content Taxonomy provides a “common language” that can be used when describing content. Typical uses of the content taxonomy are contextual targeting and brand safety.June 2022v3.0Taxonomy & Mapping Working Group
Audience Taxonomy Standardized naming convention for audience attributesApr 2020v1.1Taxonomy & Mapping Working Group
Ad Product Taxonomy The Ad Product Taxonomy establishes a standardized nomenclature for describing the product or service being advertised.Oct 2022v2.0Taxonomy & Mapping Working Group

Supply Chain & Foundations Working Groups

Supply Chain & Foundations Software